• Many customers will have a misunderstanding when choosing a pcb supplier, that is, the bigger the factory, the higher their quality, but it's not. When choosing a pcb supplier, you must first clarify your own needs, what material you need for the circuit board, and choose different manufacturers according to different needs. Take high-frequency pcb as an example, what you need is not its number of layers, then it is meaningless for you to choose a company that focuses on the number of pcb layers. If you have high frequency pcb needs, you might as well try the circuit boards produced by FS Technology. We can meet all your design needs and strike a balance between mass production and cost for you. Next, FS Technology will introduce you how to protect your high frequency pcb.


    Detect high frequency pcb
    Regarding the problem of how to protect the high-frequency circuit boards, FS Technology believes that after receiving the goods, it is necessary to test them immediately and report the problem in time, which is the best means of protection.

    high frequency pcb

    Whether the status of the high frequency pcb board components is normal
    When you receive the prototype of the high frequency circuit board sent by FS Technology, the first thing is to check the status of the circuit board. Although FS Technology is the strongest pcb supplier in China, there is no way to guarantee that every piece of pcb sent will be without problems. To this end, you must first observe whether the circuit board has obvious component damage, such as electrolytic capacitor burnout and bulge, resistor burnout, power device burnout, etc. In addition, we need to remind you that the electronic components used by FS are purchased from outside, not produced by ourselves. The one-stop service provided by FS Technology includes the procurement service of pcb components. Even if the capabilities of those suppliers are trustworthy, there are still cases where things go wrong, which is why inspections need to be prioritized.

    The welding situation of high frequency pcb
    Whether the printed circuit board sent by FS Technology you received is deformed and warped; Whether the solder joints have fallen off and obvious soldering phenomenon; Whether the copper clad layer of the pcb is warped, burned out or turned black.

    Simple resistance, capacitance, inductance testing
    High frequency circuit board testing


    In order to protect your high-frequency pcb, FS Technology recommends that you use a multimeter to simply test suspicious components such as resistance, capacitance, and inductance within the range, and test whether the resistance value increases, the capacitance is short-circuited, the open circuit and the capacitance value change, the inductance is short-circuited and open-circuited, etc. .For the specific detection method, we put it in the FS PCBA blog, and interested readers can go to watch it.

    Power-on test
    If you think that your high-frequency circuit board cannot be well protected after the above test, you can perform a power-on test. The specific test steps are as follows: 1. Test whether the power supply of the high-frequency circuit board is normal. 2. Whether the output of the voltage stabilizer is abnormal. 3. Whether the output and waveform of the switching power supply are abnormal, etc.

    Function module repair
    No matter how many tests are done, there is still no way to ensure that your circuit board will not have problems. For this reason, FS Technology believes that you need to learn some related PCB maintenance knowledge.According to the phenomenon of circuit failure, you can determine the circuit module that may have a problem, and further repair it according to the design drawings. For programmable devices such as single-chip microcomputers, DSPs, and CPLDs, reprogramming can be considered to eliminate circuit failures caused by abnormal program operation.

    Choose the best high frequency pcb supplier
    The price of high-frequency boards is very expensive, and it is more troublesome to maintain. FS Technology recommends that you choose a reliable high-frequency board supplier, which will be the best means of protection.

    Supplier with strong manufacturing capabilities
    A supplier who is willing to do multiple pressing performance tests, temperature performance tests, caf heat resistance tests and mechanical toughness tests for you. With these tests, you will not have to spend time protecting your high frequency circuit boards.

    Suppliers who provide materials in a timely manner
    High frequency circuit board testing agency


    Many people think that the manufacturing cycle of high-frequency pcb boards is too long, because it takes a long time to purchase components of high-frequency circuit boards. For some companies with poor procurement capabilities, the procurement cycle of components is as long as 3-4 months, but for a one-stop service company such as FS Technology, we have strong procurement capabilities for components, which can be used in the shortest time. Complete the purchase within. In addition, your raw materials will receive maximum protection when manufacturing high frequency printed circuits.

    Applicability of laws and regulations
    The price of high-frequency boards is high, which makes many illegal traders profitable. In order to better protect your circuit board, it is best to place an order from a regular pcb website.
  • PCB wiring is a key factor in ESD protection, FS Technology believes that a reasonable PCB design can reduce unnecessary costs caused by fault inspection and rework. In PCB design, it is more important to overcome the electromagnetic interference (EMI) electromagnetic field effect generated by the discharge current, because the transient voltage suppression stopper (TVS) diode is used to suppress the direct charge injection caused by the ESD discharge.
    This article will provide optimized ESD protection for PCB design criteria.
    1. Circuit loop.
    When current enters circuit loops by induction, these loops are closed and have variable magnetic flux. The current range is proportional to the area of ​​the ring. Larger loops contain more magnetic flux and therefore have stronger current induction in the circuit. Therefore, the loop area must be reduced. The most common loop consists of power and ground wires.

    Multilayer PCB designs employ power and ground planes, where possible. Multilayer circuit boards not only minimize the circuit area between power and ground, but also reduce the high-frequency EMI electromagnetic fields generated by ESD pulses. If multilayer boards were not possible, FS Technology would have to connect the circuits for the power and ground lines into a grid. The grid connection can play the role of power and ground, and the printed lines of each layer should pass through holes and the connection interval in each direction should be within 6 cm. In addition, when wiring, the power and ground printed lines produced by FS Technology are as close as possible, which can also reduce the loop area.


    Another way to reduce loop area and induced current is to reduce parallel paths between interconnects. When a signal cable longer than 30 cm must be used, a protective wire can be used. A better approach is to place the ground near the signal lines. The signal line should be within 13mm of the protection line or grounding line. Arrange long signal wires (>30cm) or power wires and their ground wires of each sensitive element in a crossover. Crossovers must be separated from top to bottom or left to right.

    pcb assembly smt
    2. The length of the circuit connection.
    Long signal lines can also be used as antennas for receiving ESD pulse energy. Trying to use short signal lines can reduce the efficiency of antennas receiving ESD electromagnetic fields. In order to reduce the printed line length of the interconnection, FS Technology will try to place the interconnection equipment in the adjacent position.
    3. Inject the ground charge.
    Direct discharge of ESD to the ground plane can damage sensitive circuits. Use one or more high frequency bypass capacitors between the power and ground of the consumables. Bypass capacitors reduce charge injection and maintain the voltage difference between the power and ground ports. The TVS shunts the induced current, maintaining the potential difference of the TVS clamping voltage. To reduce parasitic inductive effects, TVS and capacitors should be placed as close as possible to the protected IC.